正心方舞舞四方 端正身心 活化腦力 健康久久 五心級的律動 ~ 開心+專心+恆心+信心+包容心
美國方塊舞班 入門班 整編: 鄭斐心
Social Square Dance (SSD) 202106 Buddy Weaver SSD 202201 Buddy Weaver SSD
Lesson 1
1.【Circle Left/Circle Right】2.【Forward and Back】3.【Do Sa Do】4.【Swing】 5.【Promenade/ Promenade half way】7.【Single file Promenade】8.【Arm Turn ~Allemande Left/Turn partner right】練習曲影片BS029.【Weave the ring 】
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※I Have To Say I Love You In A Song Jerry Story 示範影片※American Pie Tony Oxendine, Jerry Story (Turn partner right) 示範影片========================================
10.【Right and left grand/Wrong way grand】11.【Left-hand Star/Right hand Star】 6.【Star promenade】練習曲影片BS03 ※Summer Sounds Jerry Routh (Boys star left, turn thru)
※After The Lovin Ken Bower (Men star right allemande)========================================
12.【Pass thru 】 【U Turn 】13.【Courtesy turn 】 14. 【Ladies Chain】15.【Wheel around/ Reverse Wheel Around】
Lesson 2
18.【Half Sashay/ Roll Away with Half Sashay, Ladies in Men Sashay 】Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※Everybody loves somebody someday Johnnie Wykoff RD 示範影片
※I Love The World Johnnie Wykoff (Ladies chain 3/4, Roll away) 影片========================================
16.【Star thru】17.【Slide thru】練習曲影片SSD-02H
Lesson 3
19.【California twirl】20.【Bend the line】21.【Dive thru】【練習曲影片 SSD-03 6 couples】22.【Turn back (U turn back)】23.【Backtrack】練習曲影片 SSD-03H1
Lesson 4
24.【Square thru】25.【Grand square】26.【Lead right】31【Right and left thru】練習曲影片BS05 練習曲影片BS10 複習影片BS11
Lesson 5
27.【Veer left/Veer right】28.【Trade】 練習曲影片BS08 練習曲影片BS09 29.【Chain down the line】30.【Circulate/ Couple circulate】練習曲影片SSD-05H1
Lesson 6
32.【Flutter wheel】33.【Reverse Flutter wheel】34.【Sweep a quarter練習曲影片SSD-06H1***【Walk around corner lady】 【See Saw】練習曲影片 38.【Split two】 39.【Seperate around 1 or 2】
Lesson 7
35.【Double pass thru】36.【First couple go left, next go right】37.【Wheel and deal】 練習曲影片SSD-07H140.【Circle to a line】
Lesson 8
41.【Step to a wave/ Dosado to an ocean wave】42.【Swing thru】43.【Run/ Cross run】44.【Alamo ring formation/ Balance】練習曲 SSD-08H
Lesson 9
45.【Pass the ocean】46.【Extend】47.【Zoom】練習曲 SSD-09H
Lesson 10
48【Trade by】49.【Ferris wheel】28.【Trade】 練習曲影片BS1750.【Centers in】51.【Cast off three quarters】 練習曲影片 練習曲 SSD-010H
Lesson 11
52.【Box the gnat】53.【Hinge】54.【Touch a quarter (Touch 1/4)】練習曲影片BS13 練習曲影片BS1430.【Circulate】練習曲影片BS18 練習曲影片 BS19 練習曲影片BS21 練習曲影片BS2255.【Tag the line face in/out/right/left 】56.【Half tag】* 【 Walk & Dodge 】練習曲影片MS04練習曲 SSD-11H
Lesson 12
57.【Split/Box Circulate】練習曲影片BS2358.【Fold/Cross fold】59.【Recycle】60.【Scoot back】練習曲影片MS07※【Left square thru】 【Left swing thru】練習曲 SSD-12H
1.【Circle Left/Circle Right】2.【Forward and Back】3.【Do Sa Do】4.【Swing】 5.【Promenade/ Promenade half way】7.【Single file Promenade】8.【Arm Turn ~Allemande Left/Turn partner right】練習曲影片BS029.【Weave the ring】10.【Right and left grand/Wrong way grand】11.【Left-hand Star/Right hand Star】 6.【Star promenade】練習曲影片BS03 12.【Pass thru 】 【U Turn 】13.【Courtesy turn 】 14. 【Ladies Chain】15.【Wheel around/ Reverse Wheel Around】
18.【Half Sashay/ Roll Away with Half Sashay, Ladies in Men Sashay 】16.【Star thru】17.【Slide thru】練習曲影片SSD-02H
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※I Have To Say I Love You In A Song Jerry Story 示範影片※American Pie Tony Oxendine, Jerry Story (Turn partner right) 示範影片※City of New Orleans Wade Driver 示範影片※Obladi Oblada 快樂的姑娘 示範影片※Tenessee Waltz Klaus Strand-Holm(Boys star left, turn thru) 示範影片※Summer Sounds Jerry Routh (Boys star left, turn thru) ※After The Lovin Ken Bower (Men star right allemande)※Witch Doctor Garland Smith (Promenade inside)※King Of The Road Bob Ruff (Star Promenade, Weave) 示範影片
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※Everybody loves somebody someday Johnnie Wykoff RD 示範影片※I Love The World Johnnie Wykoff (Ladies chain 3/4, Roll away) 影片※Just Another Polka Jerry Jestin (Ladies chain Roll away) 影片※ Lucky Lucky Lucky Me Randy Dougherty ( Ladies chain, chain back)影片※ Oh Susanna Steve Kopman 示範影片16.【Star thru】17.【Slide thru】練習曲影片SSD-02H
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※Good bye my lady love Brian Hotchkies 示範影片 影片
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※ GOD BLESS USA 影片※Grand Square 示範影片※ New York New York 示範影片 (Walk Thru)※Calcutta Leif Ekblad R3 示範影片※I will follow him R3 示範影片 Amarillo By Morning Pat Barbour (Square thru, Slide thru)
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※Obladi Oblada 快樂的姑娘 Easy Amei 示範影片※Singing ~ Too Busy Being In Love Doug Bennett
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※ Limbo Rock Fred Trujillo (Flutter wheel,Reverse Flutter wheel)※King of the Road Gary Shoemake※Callifornia Here I Come Johnnie Wykoff (Split two) 示範影片BS27※ Winter Wonderland (Split two)※ Ma She's Making Eyes At Me
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※City of New Orleans Wade Driver (Slide thru, Swing thru, Flutter wheel) 示範影片※ Bye Bye Love Ray Rhea(Slide thru, Swing thru, Flutter wheel)※Oh Susanna Steve Kopman ※ Sail Along Silvery Moon Ernie Kinney (Slide thru, Swing thru, Flutter wheel)※ Saky Yo 日文 (Slide thru, Swing thru, Flutter wheel)※Fire On The Mountain Jerry Junck (Slide thru, Swing thru, Flutter wheel)※Life Goes On That WayJames Martin (Step to a wave,Swing thru)※ Jamaica Farewell Bob Wilcox (Swing thru, Run)
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※ Grandfather's Clock 示範影片※No One Needs To Know Jerry Story, Tony Oxendine (pass ocean, circulate 1-1/2)
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※Islands in the stream Tony Oxendine (Trade by) 示範影片※ Dream Lover Wade Driver(Trade by)※Sunrise - Sunset Mac McCullar (Trade by, Backtrack)※I will follow himAmei (Ferries wheel) 影片 (兒童版)※American Pie Tony Oxendine, Jerry Story(Ferries wheel)影片參考※Tenessee Waltz Klaus Strand-Holm※ When you wish upon a star (日本)※ Silver Wings Dan Nordbye, Joe Salte※Last Farewell Patty Greene (Pass the ocean, extend, couples trade)※ Honky Tonk Dancin' Machine Joe Saltel, Dan Nordbye (Ferris wheel)※ Popeye 日文 (Ferris wheel)※ Besame Mucho (Ferris wheel)※ Mosters holiday ※ Early Morning Rain Tony Oxendine, Jerry Story (Swing thru)
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※ The Sheik of Araby Johnnie Wykoff (Circle to line, pass the ocean, ferries wheel, box gnat)※GHOST RIDERS IN SKY MSV※Oh Susanna Amei 示範影片BS17※Red River Valley Amei(Touch 1/4, Run) 示範影片BS17S※Someone Must Feel Like a Fool Tonight Ken Bower (Touch 1/4, Run) 示範影片※Calcutta Leif Ekblad (Box the gnat, Trade by, Swing thru)※ Easy Loving 示範影片※Love lifted Me Ernie Kinney(Touch 1/4, Run)※Stand By Me Jack Murtha (Tag the line)※ Somewhere Over The Rainbow Jerry Haag (Walk around, tag the line) ※ I Love The World Johnnie Wykoff (Walk & Dodge)※ Pretty Woman Tony Oxendine (Walk & Dodge) ※ Proud Mary Wade Driver (Walk & Dodge)
Singing call 歌唱式口令參考:※Suwannee Johnnie Wykoff (Split two, Box Gnat)※Row Row Row Al Brundage ( Scoot back)※Operator Erika Spur ( Scoot back)※ Little Devil ( Scoot back)※ Love Is In The Air Fred Jones ( Scoot back)※ Love Me Tender Johnny Jones※ Y.M.C.A. 【Recycle】※I Have To Say I Love You In A Song Jerry Story (Half tag,Scoot back, Hinge Recycle)※Baby Likes To Rock It Elmer Sheffield, Jr. (Recycle)