進階級Advanced II

美國方塊舞 (進階級Advanced II)       整編鄭斐心


主題 / 內容


Hourglass Formation | Circulate, Cut | Flip The Hourglass 1124

Spin The Windmill direction, Single Wheel 11/10


Trade Circulate, 11/17, 11/24

Pass & RollSplit | Box Counter Rotate fraction 12/15


Motivate, 0105


Switch The Wave 0112

Switch To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass 0112


In Roll Circulate, Out Roll Circulate 11/17

 Pass & Roll Your Neighbor 0119


Scoot Chain Thru,  Trail Off 0216

 Peel & Trail, 0223


Scoot & Weave
Slip | Slide | Swing | Slither 11/17


Recycle [from Facing Couples], Zig-Zag, Zag-Zig

Split | Box Transfer, Diamond Chain Thru


Mini-Busy, Checkmate The Column,


Remake, Remake The Thar,


Transfer And anything


All 4 Couples Concept, All 8 Concept

Teaching Mike Sikorsky 


 Split | Box Counter Rotate fraction,   
Slip Trade Circulate


 Singing: Ain't gonna rain no more


 Single WheelRecycle [from Facing Couples]In Roll Circulate,  
MotivateScoot & Weave
Switch The Wave
Split | Box Transfer
Diamond Chain Thru


 Singing: What more could a man need


  Swing | Slither,  Pass & Roll
Scoot Chain ThruOut Roll Circulate
 Zig-Zag, Zag-Zig
Switch To A(n) Diamond


  Singing: Song Sung Blue


  Spin The Windmill direction
 Pass & Roll Your Neighbor
Mini-BusySwitch To A(n) Hourglass
Checkmate The Column,
Peel & Trail,  Remake,


 Singing: Kindly keep it  Country


 All 4 Couples ConceptAll 8 Concept
Transfer And anything


 Singing: If Tomorrow Never Come

A2 All4 All8

MS 01



Flutter wheel, Reverse Flutter wheel, R & L Thru, Dixie Style, Left swing thru, Star/Slide thru, Square thru 
練習曲影片】M:Witch Doctor

Pass thru, Pass the Ocean, Step to a wave, Turn thru, Touch 1/4 , Box circulate, Walk Dodge練習曲影片】M: Coffee Rumba

☆Scoot back, Swing thru, Chain down the line, Veer Left, Left touch 1/4練習曲影片】M: Kiss Me Madly

☆ Half Tag, Zoom 練習曲影片】M: Kiss Me Madly

Plus 01

Trade the wave, Chase Right , Recycle 練習曲影片】M:Lucky Me

Plus 02

Follow Your Neighbor, Single Circle , Fan the top  
練習曲影片】M:Love Letter

Plus 03

Cross fire 練習曲影片
Explode the wave, Peel the top, Peel off,  
Veer left/right, Zoom, Diamond Circulate練習曲影片

M:Ma She is making eyes

Plus 04

Dixie Style,  Extend

A1 101


A1 102

A1 105

Quarter in , Quarter out,  Partner tag, Pass in, Pass out, 
練習曲影片練習曲影片 Alabao

Pair off, Double Star thru, Cross trail thru練習曲影片練習曲影片】M:Witch Doctor

☆Swap around,練習曲影片
Turn and Dear (Line), R/L roll, Scoot & Dodge
Pass the sea, Turn and Deal (Wave), 1/4 Thru, Mix 練習曲影片Mix練習曲影片 
M: London Bridge


Square chain thru,練習曲影片


Scoot and weave,  練習曲影片   Wheel thru 
Peel&Trail, Pass and roll,  Pass and roll your neighbor
練習曲影片】M: Lemon Tree

Facing recycle【練習曲影片】M: Phantom of the Opera
☆Slip, Swing, Slide, Slither
練習曲影片】M: Forbidden


Box transfer, (Square chain the top, Peel and Trail,


Follow Thru練習曲影片

To be continued...........

Pocket Reference of A2 List Calls



All 4 Couples Concept




*Dancers execute the given call, usually moving around the outside of the set.

The traffic pattern of All 4 Couples is accomplished by a modified 'Weave the Ring'-action. (alternates between right shoulders and left shoulders)

All 8 Concept






*All 8 calls usually use stars to move through the center of the set, or have dancers moving together around the outside of the set

(All 8 usually starts from a Generalized Thar, whereas All 4 Couples usually starts from a Generalized Squared Set.)





Checkmate The Column

First Two (#1 and #2) Circulate 4 spots & 1/4 In as Last Two (#3 and #4) Circulate twice, 1/4 In, & Circulate.

Cut | Flip The Hourglass

*Cut: Points slide together and Trade as Centers Hourglass Circulate.

*Flip: Points flip in as Centers Hourglass Circulate.




Diamond Chain Thru

1.  Diamond Circulate;

2.  Very Centers Trade;

3.  Center 4 Cast Off 3/4.




Hourglass Formation


Hourglass Circulate

*Dancers in the Diamond are the Centers of the Hourglass; dancers in the Box are the Ends (or Points) of the Hourglass.

*The Circulate path of an Hourglass consists of 8 spots. Move forward to the next position in the Hourglass, moving from a Diamond position to a Box position or vice-versa.




In Roll Circulate

In-Facing Ends Circulate as the Others Flip (180°) one position down the line toward the vacated End position





Leaders Any Shoulder Turn & Deal as Trailers 1/2 Circulate; Very Centers Hinge; and Flip The Diamond.


1.  Circulate;

2.  Centers Cast Off 3/4 as the Ends 1/2 Circulate;

3.  Center 4 Star 1/2 as Outsides Trade;

4.  Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up (Hourglass Circulate).




Out Roll Circulate

Out-Facing Ends Circulate as the Others Flip (180°) one position down the line toward the vacated End position..




Pass & Roll

1.  Pass Thru;

2.  Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right-face U-Turn Back(Right roll)

3.  Pass Thru;

4.  Centers Pass Thru and all Right Roll

Pass & Roll Your Neighbor

1.  Pass Thru;

2.  Centers Turn Thru as Ends Right roll;

3.  Pass Thru;

4.  Centers Right Arm Turn 3/4 as Ends individually turn 3/4 to the Right (fold and roll).

Recycle [from Facing Couples]

The beaus step forward and doing a U-Turn Back, Meanwhile, the belles Veer Left


1.  Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4;

2.  those who meet and can Left Arm Turn 1/2;

3.  those who meet and can Right Arm Turn 3/4.

Remake The Thar

From a Thar.
1. Arm Turn 1/4 (to an Alamo Ring);
2. alternating hands, Arm Turn 1/2;
3. alternating hands, Arm Turn 3/4.




Scoot & Weave

Scoot Back. Those facing in Left (Right) Touch 1/4 with each other, while those facing out Quarter Right (Left).

Scoot Chain Thru

Leaders Split Circulate as Trailers Extend, Swing, Slip, Swing, & Extend.

Single Wheel

Each dancer works as if they were a Couple: all Wheel & Deal. (A Mini-Wave ends in Facing Dancers; a Couple ends in Tandem Dancers.)

Alternate definition: Hinge & Roll.

Slip | Slide | Swing | Slither

Slip: Centers Arm Turn 1/2.
Slide: Ends and adjacent Centers slide nose-to-nose to exchange places.
Swing: Ends and adjacent Centers Arm Turn 1/2.
Slither: Centers slide nose-to-nose to exchange places.

Spin The Windmill direction

Arm Turn 1/2; Very Centers Trade; & Cast Off 3/4.
Individually turn 1/4 toward the given direction & Circulate twice.

Split | Box Counter Rotate fraction

From Parallel Waves and Mini-Wave Columns (or a Mini-Wave Box), hold onto the adjacent dancer and turn your box 1/4 of a Circle. Everyone can Roll after a Split Counter Rotate.

·      Trailers Walk & Turn (Circulate & 1/4 In);

·      Leaders Turn & Walk (1/4 In & Circulate).

  • From Facing Couples, a Box Counter Rotate 1/4 is like a (Box) Pass In.
  • From Back-to-Back Couples, a Box Counter Rotate 1/4 is like a Partner Tag,

    except that everyone can Roll after a Box Counter Rotate 1/4.

Split Square Chain Thru

1.  Those who can (those facing, or those in a R-H Mini-Wave)
Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactive dancers;

2.  Left Swing Thru;

3.  Left Turn Thru.

Split | Box Transfer

Leaders Box Circulate twice and 1/4 In

Trailers Extend, Arm Turn 3/4, and Extend.

Switch The Wave

Centers Run as Ends Cross Run.

Switch To A(n) Diamond | Hourglass

Switch To A Diamond Centers Run as Ends do your part Diamond Circulate.

Switch To An Hourglass 

Centers Run as Ends do your part Hourglass Circulate




Trade Circulate

Leaders Trade as Trailers diagonal Pass Thru.

Trail Off

Leaders step forward if necessary, Run (180° toward the center of the 4-dancer formation) and Veer Out as the Trailers step forward if necessary and Trade (passing left-shoulders if facing the same direction)


*Cross Peel Off: Leaders do a Half Sashay then Peel Off as Trailers step forward if necessary do a Half Sashay then Peel Off.

Transfer And anything

The #1 and #2 dancers Transfer The Column, omitting the final Extend, ending as an in-facing couple on the outside. The other dancers walk forward to form a box in the center and do the (Anything) call.





Zig-Zag, Zag-Zig

Zig means Face Right, and Zag means Face Left.

each leader does the first (Zig in this case), and each trailer does the second (Zag in this case).



Leaders 1/4 Right (Zig) as Trailers 1/4 Left (Zag).


Leaders 1/4 Left (Zag) as Trailers 1/4 Right (Zig).


