進階級Advanced I

美國方塊舞 (進階級Advanced I)  整編鄭斐心
Vic Ceder A1                    
主題 / 內容
第  課

練習曲影片 11.19/26 12/3
第 二課

第 三課

第 四課

第 五課

   11.Cross Clover and (Anything) 練習曲影片
   12.Quarter Thru  練習曲影片  Three-Quarter Thru
第 六課

   13. Chain Reaction  
   14. Ends Bend 15. Pass In 6.Split Square Thru 練習曲影片
第 七課

17.   Partner Tag   18.Pass the Sea 
第 八課

第 九課

  23. Pass Out   24.Swap Around  Reverse Swap Around    
第 十課
 27.Brace Thru (Half Breed Thru) 
   25. Cast A Shadow

 28. Double Star Thru 29. Triple Star Thru 練習曲影片 
 Square Chain Thru    31. Fractional Tops 
 34. Mix 
  35.Triple Trade 
     36. As Couples Concept    *Linear Cycle 
Explode and (Anything)

     38. Grand Quarter ThruGrand Three-Quarter Thru     
     39. Belles and Beaus

     40. Cross-over Circulate (waves, other lines)  
 .Turn and Deal (waves, 3&1 lines)


主題 / 內容



Brian 101002
1. 14 thru, Cross over circulate. pass in, lock it. chain Reaction,  62 Acey Deucey,  Triple trade  , turn and deal 
2. pass out , Reverse Swap,  clover and  spin the top ,  don't stop heads as lead cast Shadow,
Brain  A104
2. Pass the sea,  Lock it,  Chain Reaction,  
3. 1/4 thru,  Scoot and Dodge Ends Bend, Pass in,  Triple star,  Turn and deal,  Grand follow your neighbor,  
6. Clover And
 A1 04
1. Pass The Sea,  Cross over circulate,  Cast Shadow,  Pass in 
2. Wheel thru,  Cross,  Reverse Dixie style,  
3. 1/4 thru
4. Pair Off  Step and slide,  
5. Chain Reaction,  
6. Left wheel thru, Left  1/4 thru , 
Pass out 
7. Square Chain thru,  62 Acey Deucey,  Right Roll, 
   A1 05
1. Square Chain thru,  3/4 thru, Turn and deal and roll, 1/4 thru,   62 Acey Deucey ,  Offset  box, Pass in,  Cross trail thru 
2. Cast Shadow,  lock it, Cross,  
Cross clover,  Chain Reaction,  
Transfer the Column,  Left hand Trasfer the Column, Half bread thru,  
3. Reverse Swap,  Cycle and Wheel 
4. Wheel thru,  Left wheel thru,  3/4 Right and left thru 
5. Swap around 
6. Split Square on 4th Hand touch 1/4, Left 34 thru, 
7. Triple star thru,  Left Roll, 
8. Chain Reaction  star 1/2
   A1 07
2. Pass out,  Explode the Line   , Transfer the Column,  Cast Shadow,  Turn and deal,  Reverse Swap,  
3. Square Chain thru,  3/4 thru,  Lock it, 1/4 in, Pass in, 62 Acey Deucey, Cross Trail Thru.  Step and slide, 
4. Pass the sea,  as couple,  Cycle and Wheel,  Right Roll,  
5. Chain Reaction  don't turn star,  
6. Left Wheel thru,  1/4 thru, Triple star thru,  
7. Horseshoe turn,  
8. Split Square on 4th left touch 1/4,Mix, Half bread thru,  Swap Around , Pass in 
9. Let wheel thru,  
10. Cross over circulate. Quarter In 
  Partner Tag    Explode and (Anything)
    Any hand Concept   Belles and Beaus 
Quarter Out    


Pocket Reference of A1 List Calls

1/4 In | Out

turn 1/4 to face your Partner

turn 1/4 to end back-to-back with your Partner

1/4 (or 3/4) Thru

1.  Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4);

  1. Those who meet and can Left Arm Turn 1/2.

6 By 2 Acey Deucey

Outside 6 Circulate as Very Center 2 Trade.





anything & Cross

1.  Do the anything call (which must end in an applicable 2 x 2);

2.  Trailers diagonal Pull By using outside hands.

Any Hand Concept

·      Those starting the call must be in Mini-Waves. That is, the action must start with an Arm Turn, not with a 'Push' Cast.

·      Arm Turn 1/2 often becomes a Partner Trade.

·      Arm Turn 1/4 or 3/4 often becomes a 'Push' Cast Off 1/4 or 3/4.
Arm Turn 1/4 never becomes a Partner Hinge. That is, from a Couple, do a Push Cast 1/4, NOT a Partner Hinge

As Couples CONCEPT

Dancers who are side-by-side and facing the same direction (i.e., a Couple) work together as a single dancer to do the given call.




Beau | Belle

The Beau is the Left-side dancer and the Belle is the Right-side dancer.

Brace Thru

1.  Right Pull By;

2.  Normal Couples (Boy on Left, Girl on Right) Courtesy Turn as

Half-Sashayed Couples (Boy on Right, Girl on Left) U-Turn Back.
Ends in Normal Facing Couples.




Cast A Shadow


1/2 Zoom, Cast Off 3/4 and Spread (to become Ends of Lines);

Out-Facing Centers:


In-Facing Centers:

Extend, Arm Turn 1/4, and Extend.

Chain Reaction

1.  Very Centers and the directly-facing Outside dancers Pass Thru as the End of the Center Line walk forward in an arc 1/4 of a Circle around the outside of the set

2.  Centers of each side Hinge;

3.  Center 4 Star 1/4 as Outsides Trade;

4.  Those who meet Cast Off 3/4 as Others move up A 1/4 Tag formation ends in Parallel Waves.

Clover And anything

Out-Facing Couples (Step Ahead if necessary, and) Cloverleaf.
The Others (move in to the center if necessary, and) do the anything call.

Clover | Cross Clover And anything

Out-Facing Couples Cross Cloverleaf (as one movement Half Sashay and Cloverleaf).
The Others (move in to the center if necessary, and) do the anything call.

Crossover Circulate

·      From Parallel Two-Faced Lines: Leaders Tag The Line and Face In as Trailers Circulate and Half Sashay by having the Belles slide in front of the Beaus 

·      From Parallel Waves: Leaders Trade (as in Trade The Wave) as Trailers Diagonal Pass Thru. Everybody passes right-shoulders. Ends in opposite-handed Waves.

·      From Facing Lines: Pass Thru and Half Sashay (Cross Trail Thru).

·      From Out-Facing Lines: Tag The Line and Face In.

Cross Trail Thru

Pass Thru and Half Sashay.

Cycle & Wheel

Mini-Wave dancers Recycle as the Couple dancers Wheel & Deal.




Double Star Thru

do a regular Star Thru, then change hands and do a 'wrong hand' Star Thru. (first use the inside hand, then use the outside hand.)




Ends Bend

1.  Step Forward;

2.  Turn 1/4 toward the Center of the 4-dancer formation;

3.  Step Forward.


As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead.
Adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples.

Explode The Line

Explode; Right Pull By.
Ends in Back-to-Back Couples.

Explode And anything

From a Generalized Line. As one movement, Centers Step Ahead & 1/4 In as Ends 1/4 In & Step Ahead, and all adjust as necessary to end in Facing Couples.

Explode; then do the anything call.




Fractional Top 1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top

·      On All Eight Spin The Top, everybody does an Arm Turn 1/2 then moves up to meet the 4-th dancer.

·      On 1/4 | 1/2 | 3/4 Top, everybody does an Arm Turn 1/2 then moves up to meet the n-th dancer, where n = 1 for 1/4 Top, n = 2 for 1/2 Top, or n = 3 for 3/4 Top.




Grand 1/4 (or 3/4) Thru

1.  Those who can Right Arm Turn 1/4 (or 3/4);

2.  Those who meet and can Left Arm Turn 1/2.

Grand Follow Your Neighbor

#1 dancer, as one movement, 1/2 Circulate & U-Turn Back as the Others 1/2 Circulate & Arm Turn 3/4

Ends in a Tidal Wave.




Horseshoe Turn

Ends Cloverleaf as Centers Partner Tag





Centers Arm Turn 1/4 as the Ends move up 1/4 (i.e., Ends do your part Fan The Top).






1.  Centers Cross Run; 2. (new) Centers Trade.





Pair Off

Walk forward if necessary to meet the facing dancer, then Face Out (individually turn 1/4 to face away from the center of the set).

Partner Hinge

Do 1/2 of a Trade.

Partner Tag

Turn 1/4 in place to face the adjacent dancer (1/4 In); Pass Thru.

Pass In

Pass Thru; Face In (individually turn 1/4 toward the center of the set).

Pass Out

Pass Thru; Face Out (individually turn 1/4 away from the center of the set)

Pass The Sea

Pass Thru; Face Your Partner; Left Step To A Wave.




Right Roll To A Wave


Left Roll To A Wave


Leaders Right-face U-Turn Back and all Step To A Right-Hand Mini-Wave

Leaders Left-face U-Turn Back and all Step To A Left-Hand Mini-Wave.




Scoot & Dodge

Leaders Dodge as Trailers do your part Scoot Back

Split Square Thru (n)

Those who can Right Pull By and turn 1/4 to face the inactives (1/4 In);
all Finish a 
Square Thru n (i.e., Left Square Thru n - 1).

Square Chain Thru

1.  Right Pull By and 1/4 In;

2.  Left Swing Thru;

3.  Left Turn Thru.

Step & Slide

Centers Step Ahead as Ends Slide into the vacated adjacent Center position.

Swap Around,


Reverse Swap Around

Belles walk forward (Box Circulate) as
Beaus flip (Run) into the adjacent Belle's position.

Beaus walk forward (Box Circulate) as
Belles flip (Run) into the adjacent Beau's position.




Transfer The Column

The #1 and #2 dancers Circulate 3 spots and Face In (to become a Couple). Meanwhile, the #3 and #4 dancers Circulate and Arm Turn 3/4. From the momentary Right-Hand or Left-Hand 1/4 Tag, all Extend to form Parallel Waves.

Triple Cross

The six who can diagonally Pull By using outside hands.

Triple Star Thru

1.  Those who can Star Thru;

2.  Then change hands and do a 'wrong hand' Star Thru

3.  Those who can Star Thru.

Triple Trade

Center Six (3 pairs of dancers) Trade.

Turn & Deal

1/2 Tag and roll




Wheel Thru


Left Wheel Thru


Belles 1/4 Right as Beaus diagonal Pass Thru while turning 1/4 to the right.

Beaus 1/4 Left as Belles diagonal left-shoulder Pass Thru while turning 1/4 to the left.


